Images by Dan Jones
All In.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are a series of answers to questions about the "All In" services that arose in the consultation process. If you have any further questions, please do get in touch.
Q: I’m a student – is there a place for me?
A: Absolutely! Sit with friends or join with a family, we’d love to get to know you.
Q: Are the “All In” gatherings just for people with children?
A: Not at all. We’d love to share these times of fellowship with all of our church family – families, singles, students, couples, old, young – “All In” is for everyone.
Q: I’m concerned about being in a busy room after such a long time keeping distant. Will there be any limit on numbers?
A: Yes. There will be a risk assessment for each meeting next term, room set-up and maximum occupancy decided, and then you’ll need to book your place.
Q: How will you help my children/youth to engage? Will there be long sermons and long worship times?
A: Our structured time together will be kept short (around 45 mins in total) and made up of lots of short segments. The songs will be chosen to be accessible to all (not childish, not adultish). Instead of a sermon, we'll do an activity round our tables which helps u all engage with a passage of scripture. Youth and children will be given opportunities to take part and serve.
Q: What if my child isn’t able to sit quietly for the whole time?
A: We’re expecting that some children will need to move around. Feel free to go with them for a wander around the outer edges of the room. You know your child best, so come prepared by bringing along what you know will help them.
Q: Will there be a quiet place to feed my baby?
A: Yes, the Lounge will be kept available as a comfortable, quiet place for you – throughout the structured meeting time and meal time.
Q: Will there be a ‘play room’ provided to take my restless child?
A: We want to encourage staying together, so there won’t be a separate space provided. There will be much grace in the room for your child and for you.
Q: Will we be told where to sit/who to sit with?
A: No. You can choose when you arrive. We expect that people will move around a bit during the meal/snack time.
Q: Mealtime with my baby/toddler – will there be a highchair/booster available?
A: We’ll provide some highchairs and booster seats. If you have your own portable booster seat – then please bring it along, so those without their own can use the ones we provide. It may help your child to have a booster seat throughout the meeting to give them a better view.
Q: Can I invite guests?
A: Yes! This new format will make it easy for someone to come along to church with you. Book their spaces, invite them to join you at your table.
Q: Can I stay at the meal time if I don’t want to eat?
A: Absolutely. You choose what works for you – bring a flask of tea, a biscuit, cake, sandwich, full-on picnic! Being together is the main thing.
Q: I will miss longer worship times and sermons. Can I book a place at an evening service as well?
A: Yes. You can come along to an “All In" meeting and also go to the Sunday "Evening Service" or "Word and Song" on Thursday.
Q: Does my child/youth have to sit with me?
A: No. They will be able to choose to sit with friends, with another family or sometimes with their Youth/Citykids leaders. For younger ones, please make sure there is some agreed adult supervision. Your child will remain your responsibility throughout.