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Family, Disciples, Mission, Multiplication circular logo



What we long to become.

A Family of Disciples on a Mission.



We want to be a family and not a crowd. In our relationships together, and decisions towards one another, we want to behave as such. We are brothers and sisters and dearly loved children of God. We want to live generous, courageous, sacrificial, encouraging, Spirit-filled lives, as we love each other. We believe there is no sacred/secular divide and that every part of our lives belongs to God, and needs God. We love our Sunday gatherings, but know these are not sufficient in themselves to help us support each other in all of life. We are committed to living highly overlapping lives as we seek to create a culture which is full of good relationships, and is challenging and encouraging us to mature.



We want to be disciples and not consumers. We describe a disciple as one who is increasingly worshipping God, obeying Jesus, and being changed by the Spirit in all of life, as part of a church family, and is helping others to do the same. This is a life-long process that starts before salvation.



We want to live as people who have been sent: with purpose, not simply going through the motions. God sent the Son, and the Son sends us. Missional living is the adoption of the posture, thinking, behaviours and practices of a missionary (missionaries are not super-Christians – we’re all called to it), in order to engage others with the gospel message. All that we do must be gospel-centred. 



We do want to add people to the church and to the Kingdom of God. But we don’t want simply to add them. We want to add them in such a way that they fully participate in all that God has for them, and become part of His mission on Earth.
We want to multiply. We want to multiply disciples, pastors, teachers, apostles, prophets and evangelists. We want to multiply the impact we have on communities. We want to multiply meetings, venues — churches even! We want to multiply leaders.
It takes longer to develop, equip and encourage a group of new leaders to lead a new initiative (multiplication of leadership) than it does simply to lead it yourself (addition to your workload), but it is more worthwhile, and ultimately more fruitful. This is what Jesus did.
If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.
We don’t just want big churches; we want big people.


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